Divided by glare, I'm lost in the shine.
Splendor and oil slices me in half.
To be amputated by light...
...is to have an encounter with God.
The prefix 'photo' means light and 'apotemnophilia' is the clinical term for those whom desire to be amputated. This fabricated term seems appropriate for my recent photographic experiment. In the tradition of my favorite photographer, Gonzalo Benard, I've been practicing the art of self-portraiture. Using items present in my household, I've been having so much fun constructing visual statements.
Slathering on a thick layer of Castor oil, I wanted to see what would happen if I stood right next to my light source. No flash. No digital effects. The light reflecting from my heavily oiled body wiped out a segment of my body! I fell in love with the amputating effect!
Frontally facing the bright light created an illusion that my waist was very small while maintaining muscular backside. Using a tripod and a timer, I simply faced the light pointed my ass towards the camera. (LOL) I would love the opportunity to continue this glare experiment with other models with different skin tones and body types.
Another aspect to this experiment with light & oil, I also smeared some oil onto the lens of the camera and had fun hiding behind the blur. The result struck an accord with me, because I've always felt more aroused by creative censoring than hardcore images bearing everything. Creating fully exposed silhouettes, I had some material that was subtly erotic (and fit for Facebook!)