Folsom Street Fair 2010: The Gallery of the Absurd

 Does anyone know who this man is?

One leg is crawling with the alphabet...
His head: adorned by a bullhorn...
An alien life form sprouting from his loins...

If anyone knows who he is, forward me his info.

     One reason I found the Folsom Street Fair very touching: it served as a creative outlet for many artists.  Attempting to express their complex and unique sexualities, the final results were otherworldly.
     I was delighted to see so many oddities, so many with the "WTF" factor. People displayed abstraction and surrealism as a form of lingerie.  It was incredible! I love and need to experience things that makes me scratch my head.
     Next year, I think I may give it a try.  How would my sexuality look on the surface?  How would people respond to it?  I better get started on it now, it may take a year to perfect! I have a feeling my costume will incorporate mirrors...


Bruno Laliberté said...

allowing others to witness first-hand their reaction to you?
or is it that you wish to reflect what others expect/desire/need from you? to draw them in?...

the mind is a strange place to wander into...


Forbidden Light said...

@Mr. Bear: This is why I LOVE you! You always get me! 'All of the above' for $500 Alex!

Bruno Laliberté said...

a few years ago, at montreal's gay pride parade, the store (if my memory serves me right) had a float made out of a large two-sided mirror with a banner at the bottom reading "a reflection of our community", so people could read that and see themselves in the mirror at the same time while the float went down the street. a simple and effective concept.



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