Keep Fighting


For we may walk in flesh,

we do not war according to the flesh,

for the weapons of our warfare are not of flesh,

but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.

 (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)

     Keep fighting...For the spoils of war could still be yours.  Despite your wounds, the mortal blow has yet to be delivered.  Do not forfeit your grip from your sword's handle...victory hasn't escaped you.

      The barrier of your flesh may be broken.  The integrity of your bones may have wilted.  But, what better shield than a man's heart and spirit?

    Triumph dangles right before your battle-blinded eyes. Victory is still within the reach of your broken limbs.  Draw from it.  Reach with all your will...See with the vision inside your faith...Draw from it.

 The vivid images above are from the gallery of GJ Art.

The word "epic" scrolled across my mind viewing his work.

Each image is painted atop an untold legend.

To follow his journeys of elegant battles and  beautiful warriors:


1 comment:

Bruno Laliberté said...

the true value of a man is in his heart. put aside the physique and pretensions, and you'll see the true man, with all of his flaws and merits.



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