Welcome to The Dark Deluxe

If you haven't noticed, I have peculiar taste.

      Avant-garde and dissonant music.  Strange and exotic cuisine.  Crazy movies that gives me a headache. Anything experimental... Anything fresh... Anything the stimulates a strange response: I need it.
     This peculiar taste has proven to be an isolating quality.  I've never met anyone who listens to the kind of music that's in my collection.  Nor have I found anyone willing to go dutch with me at an expense, bizarre restaurant.  There is a lot in my iPod and refrigerator that I have to enjoy alone.  (And let's not get into my ill-fated, movie suggestions!)
     The primary purpose of this new blog is to put it out there.  John Zorn. Visitor Q.  Fernet Branca.  Alice Coltrane.  Holy Mountain.  Dinuguan.  These are a few of my favorite things.  Hopefully, I can find others that appreciate the lesser known pleasures.

For upscale + underground
Sounds, Cinema and Cuisine

Check out my new blog:


Bruno Laliberté said...

to be quite frank, i get easily bored when the music has no appeal for me but i am somewhat adventurous...
as for food, that's more up my alley!! i'll try anything once, or twice, just to make sure. i've had my own weird culinary moments that made others wince...

Forbidden Light said...

@Mr. Bear: So you will like my upcoming article about Balut!

Bruno Laliberté said...




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