Timophilia: Green Pussy

You want some of this green pussy?
You want me to give it up to you, long and hard?

...Flex your muscles...
...Seduce my flesh...
...Do a back flip...

Whatever you do,
Do not attempt to slip your cock into my pocket without consent.
Did you think your fingers would go unnoticed?
Did you think I wouldn't catch you trying to go balls deep?
I haven't the faintest idea of what kind of sluts you're used to...
But this cherry, green pussy is virgin tight...

Tight enough to cut off your circulation.
Tight enough to leave you asphyxiated.
Tight enough to leave you dismembered.

You want some of this green pussy?
You want to eat from it?
You want it to keep you warm?

Ask politely...
Request seductively...
Make a proposal...

Whatever you do,
Don't put your hand in this cookie jar without consent.
Because, this sweet, tight, greener-than-green pussy...has teeth.

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